Stockholm (Fifth Round)
Conference History – August 2023
Fifth Round History
The 5th World Conference on Management, Business, and Economics – WORLDMBE – is an annual event. Our 2023 edition took place between the 20th and 22th of August, 2023 in one of the most spectacular cities in the world – Stockholm, Sweden.
Highlighted Speakers
Name | Affliation | Article title | |
Prof Dr. Felix Amoah | Nelson Mandela University, South Africa | Ranking the most critical factors to enhance consumers’ adoption of chatbots within the banking sector | |
Dr. Ioannis Thanos | Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece | Intuition in Strategic Decision Making: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead | |
Ms. Soma Gholamveisy | islamic azad university south tehran branch, Iran | Designing and explaining a system model in order to evaluate the attractiveness of international markets for the exporters of Afghanistan | |
The impact of perceived Commercial intelligence on financial performance with regard to the mediating role Brand value and creativity in Tehran Regional Water Company | |||
Dr. Chonlada Sajjanit | Kasetsart University, Thailand | The influence of internal service quality on employees’ satisfaction and loyalty | |
Ms. Bahareh Mostofian | Charles University, Czech Republic | Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Integration of the Automotive Industry of Iran into Global Production Networks | |
Dr. Begum Otken | University of North Carolina Wilmington, United States | The Boundaryless and Protean Career Models and Work Centrality | |
Dr. Andrea Payaro | University eCampus, Italy | Supplier integration. A proposed practical approach | |
Prof. Dr. Cristina Fernandes | Assistant Professor w/Habilitation at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal | Interlinking institutions, entrepreneurship and economic performance | |
Mr. Adrián Csizmadia | Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Kaposvár Campus, Doctoral School of Management and Organizational Science, Hungary | Income modelling with geographically weighted regression in Hungary | |
Prof Dr. Ioanna Dimitrakaki | International Hellenic University of Greece | The importance of working relations-the case of Virgin | |
Ms. Kobela Mary Matlakala | University of Limpopo, South Africa | The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Commitment in Small Medium Enterprises | |
Dr. Agnieszka Wójcik-Czerniawska | Warsaw School of Economics, Poland | Capital Flows to Emerging Market Economies and US Monetary Policy | |
Dr. Indre Brazauskaite | ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania | Attitude to external cooperation, innovation advantage and barriers’ perception as antecedents of product innovation value recognition among SMEs in the Baltics |