Stockholm (Fifth Round)

Conference History – August 2023

Fifth Round History

The 5th World Conference on Management, Business, and Economics – WORLDMBE – is an annual event. Our 2023 edition took place between the 20th and 22th of August, 2023 in one of the most spectacular cities in the world – Stockholm, Sweden.

Virtual Session

Highlighted Speakers

Name Affliation Article title
management conference Prof Dr. Felix Amoah Nelson Mandela University, South Africa Ranking the most critical factors to enhance consumers’ adoption of chatbots within the banking sector
management conference Dr. Ioannis Thanos Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Intuition in Strategic Decision Making: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
management conference Ms. Soma Gholamveisy islamic azad university south tehran branch, Iran Designing and explaining a system model in order to evaluate the attractiveness of international markets for the exporters of Afghanistan
The impact of perceived Commercial intelligence on financial performance with regard to the mediating role Brand value and creativity in Tehran Regional Water Company
management conference Dr. Chonlada Sajjanit Kasetsart University, Thailand The influence of internal service quality on employees’ satisfaction and loyalty
management conference Ms. Bahareh Mostofian Charles University, Czech Republic Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Integration of the Automotive Industry of Iran into Global Production Networks
management conference Dr. Begum Otken University of North Carolina Wilmington, United States The Boundaryless and Protean Career Models and Work Centrality
management conference Dr. Andrea Payaro University eCampus, Italy Supplier integration. A proposed practical approach
management conference Prof. Dr. Cristina Fernandes Assistant Professor w/Habilitation at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal Interlinking institutions, entrepreneurship and economic performance
management conference Mr. Adrián Csizmadia Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Kaposvár Campus, Doctoral School of Management and Organizational Science, Hungary Income modelling with geographically weighted regression in Hungary
management conference Prof Dr. Ioanna Dimitrakaki International Hellenic University of Greece The importance of working relations-the case of Virgin
management conference Ms. Kobela Mary Matlakala University of Limpopo, South Africa The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Commitment in Small Medium Enterprises
management conference Dr. Agnieszka Wójcik-Czerniawska Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Capital Flows to Emerging Market Economies and US Monetary Policy
management conference Dr. Indre Brazauskaite ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania Attitude to external cooperation, innovation advantage and barriers’ perception as antecedents of product innovation value recognition among SMEs in the Baltics