WORLDMBE would like to acknowledge the contribution of the most outstanding research paper to the field of Management, Business and Economics by presenting its prestigious award.
The last day of the event will feature the award gala and every nominee, committee member, and conference attendee is invited to participate.
The audience will be asked to evaluate each presentation based on the criteria listed below. The recipient of the award will be the presenter who receives the highest average mark from the audience.

The Awards Will Be Distributed In The Following Categories:
Best Presentation Award
Given to the presentation found to be most insightful and inspiring.
Criteria: Presents relevant content to the discipline, the significance and uniqueness of the material presented to the discipline, theoretical contribution, practical applicability of the theory presented, rigorousness of the methodology, and, finally, originality.
Best Stream Presentation Award
Given to the most outstanding presentation within one of the thematic streams of the conference.
Criteria: Relevance and value of the content to the discipline – 40%, clarity of presentation and content delivery – 20%, ability to effectively engage the audience – 10%, time management – 20%.
Best Student Presentation Award
Given to the student presenter at the award who offered the audience the most insightful and inspiring content. Students pursuing their undergraduate, master’s, and post-graduate degrees are eligible for this award.
Criteria: Presents relevant content to the discipline, the significance and uniqueness of the material presented to the discipline, theoretical contribution, practical applicability of the theory presented, rigorousness of the methodology, and, finally, originality.
Best Poster Presentation Award
Given to the poster presenter who showed deep understanding of the subject, while providing new insights and/or perspectives.
Criteria: Relevance and value of the content to the discipline – 40%, clarity of content delivery and the abstract – 15%, overall knowledge of the subject and organizational effectiveness of the poster – 20%, design and visual presentation of the poster – 10%, interaction with the audience – 15%.